McCain's super fucktarded economic plan. Same plan, different retard. Yeah, let's lower taxes, so that we'll be in an even worse position re: balancing the budget and restoring infrastructure, paying for unemployment, healthcare, education, etc. Let's tax less, and just spend money we don't have. The last 8 years didn't convince you that this experiment doesn't work, huh? Or when Bush Sr. did it and it fucked everything up? Or when Reagan did it and it fucked everything up? Contrast that with FDR's New Deal Years, the Clinton Years, and the last 10 years in most Western European countries, where unprecedented growth and prosperity results from mixing capitalism with -- gasp -- governmental regulation and social safety nets. There just is no contest.
I'm sorry but if you're over 25 and still think like Bush and McCain re: economic policy, you're clueless.